A Word About Us
A warm welcome to Forres Baptist Church!
Whether you are new to the area or simply new to our Church fellowship, I hope you will feel warmly welcomed and that our website will give you a flavour of ' who we are ' and ' what we do .' Our main Sunday morning service starts at 10:30 at Clovenside Chapel. There is 'Children's Church' for primary age kids and a creche room available during the service. You'll find out more about us as you explore our website!
We seek to live out the following 4 ‘L’s under the Lordship of Christ in order to bring glory to God: Father Son and Holy Spirit. ‘ Love, Listen, Learn, Live .’ Love the Lord with all your heart and show it in your love for one another. Listen to the Lord as he speaks through his Word and Spirit and listen to one another in whom the Spirit also dwells. Learn from God’s Word and learn from one another. Live your life for the Lord and show it in your service to the lives of others.
May the Lord bless you richly.

01309 676974
Clovenside Rd, Forres IV36 3BT, UK
Registered Charity Number SC050133
©2017 by Forres Baptist Church. Proudly created with Wix.com

Sunday morning:
Service takes place at 10:30 am
Sunday Evening:
There is a prayer meeting at 6.30 pm at the church (unless announced otherwise). All Welcome
We celebrate The Lord's Supper together every third Sunday morning each month.
Childrens' church:
Primary aged children (4 - 12) years can leave the main service during the sermon and join in with childrens' church where they will have bible stories and activities. Any children wishing to join in will be very welcome. The sessions are led by church members.